Average Point of Interest
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11 April 2013
By Lee Walton
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The "Average Point of Interest" in San Francisco (2001)

According to SF Bureau of Tourism, there are 287 "points of interest" in San Francisco. I wanted to find the "average point of interest".




I first created coordinates for each point located on the map.

The coordinates, such as B-3 + G-7 or A-6 + D-3, were all listed. The letters were given numerical values. A = 1, B = 2 and so on. Therefore, B-3 + G-7 would translate to 2,3 + 7,7. (It is important to note that each column is kept separate and averaged independently from the other.)

After the letters are given numerical values, they can be averages. (each column is added and divided by 287)


The final coordinates unquestionably determine the "Average Point of Interest".


The "average point of interest" in San Francisco is on Flint Street off 15th Avenue near Corona Heights.




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