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13 January 2016
By Lee Walton
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Garbage Day (2006)


I orchestrated a seven-hour performance called "Garbage Day". Walton scripted a performance in which Theodore Bouloukos, a professional actor, throws away a peice of garbage into specific garbage cans in SoHo, NY.


"credit should be given to Lee Walton at Artist’s Space for conceiving Garbage Day, because it is such a fantastic piece. In this performance, Walton hired professional actor, Theodore Bouloukos to throw a piece of trash away at marked locations and scheduled times throughout Saturday December the 17th. Thrilling no? It’s the details that really make this piece, the fact that Alex Callendar has been given credit for research and assistance, that each garbage can was “selected rigorously by a small committee”, and that he actually paid someone to do the work for him. This is a clever piece, that points out the absurdity of pretentious asshole art speak by making the dullest of chores important."  - Paddy Johnson of Art F City (entire review)


This exhibition "We are all Together: Media(ted)", at Artists Space (NY) was curated by Marisa Olson and part of Performa '05

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