Lee Kills Linear
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09 November 2022
By Lee Walton
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“Lee Kills Linear” new work declared Sept 19th, 2022 - In collaborative support with artists + residents and directors of the Social Practice Institute Residency hosted by the Greensboro Contemporary Jewish Museum.

I recently presented an artist talk as a guest of the -    Post talk, I realized that the fixed and linear convention of an artist talk limits the potential for fruitful dialogue and exchange. The prepared linear presentation model is limiting by the Google Slide architecture (designed by a tech company in Silicon Valley) with the idea of a one-to-many monologue. This inflexible model stunts dialogue and an exchange of ideas that can draw upon the the knowledge of the people in the room.
I decided to revisit the audience of my talk. As both apology and a sequel to my artist talk, I asked them to help me write a contractual vow that I would “never, and no longer, give a linear and fixed artist talk from now until my death.”  Or something like that.  
We all  signed it.  It’s official. 
Time to re-imagine the artists talk once and for all.

Thank you Mike, Zoe, Logan, Gabrielle, Ryna, Adam + Shoshana
Tags: Social
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