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12 February 2006
By Lee Walton
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Bur-Mil Park

Monday 4-5pm

Tuesday 4-5pm Putting Practice (TBA Location)

Wednesday: Jamestown Park MATCH!



Golf Starts! Monday March 13th - May 5th

Welcome to the NGFS Golf Team!

Everyone is welcome to play on the NGFS Golf Team. All abilities and levels of experiences are appreciated and can contribute to the team.

Golf is a challenging and humbling game. My goal is for each golfer NGFS to develop a lifelong love of golf, improve their skill level, contribute as a team player, and find joy in the experience.


Varsity Sport

As a varsity sport, the expectation is that every player will do their best to learn to play the game of golf to the best of their abilities. NGFS Golf is a team sport, and each athlete can contribute as a supportive, positive teammate and as an individual.



3 days per week.

Practices will be held 3 days per week. They will be on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. (Thursday is our back up day if rain on other days) at approximately 3:45.

Some days we will practice on the driving range, practice chipping and putting, or play on golf courses. We will alternate different practice locations (see locations on this webpage) depending on what we are working on.

Each player will be expected to put in some time on their own and I will provide simple drills you can do at home. Golf is challenging, but with practice you can improve quickly and enjoy the game!

If you need to miss practice or need anything just text me and let me know.


Visiting Courses

All student/athletes will be respectful to employees, patrons, and others when visiting golf courses. We are guests at their facilities. They have the right to refuse our access at any time. NGFS golfers will represent the NGFS community with dignity, integrity, and grace at all times.


Dress Code

Practice: there is no dress code for practice, but please make sure to look respectful and dress nice. No blue- jeans, t-shirts, sandals, or boots.



When we play on golf courses all golfers will be required to wear a collared shirt with pants/shorts. spikes (non-metal) are preferred, but if you do not own a pair of golf spikes, tennis shoes will be fine. In cold/wet weather, wind/rain, a nice jacket, or long sleeve shirt is ok. No sweatshirts or jeans.






About Your Coach,

My name is Lee, you can call me Coach Lee for the season.

I have been playing golf for a long time and, just like you, always learning. I spend most of my time with family, friends, and students at UNCG.

My objective is to help you learn golf to the best of your abilities, learn how to play the game, and be the best teammate you can be.

Golf, like life, is a social sport!


Coach Lee

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