City Golf
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14 March 2014
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City Golf

2002, San Francisco, California

A system was created to determine specific locations in San Francisco in which to perform various activities. Each location and activity were determined by playing a round of golf at Lincoln Park Golf Course, San Francisco. Using the strategies of the Situationist International's "Psychogeographic guide of Paris," a map of San Francisco was overlaid with a map of the golf course.

The direction and type of each golf shot determined the location and activity to be performed. Golf shots included straight shots, slices, hooks, out of bounds, duffs, and more. The overall score earned at the completion of each hole also determined an activity. For example, pars, birdies, and eagles would require simple and pleasant activities. On the other hand, a triple bogie would require the golfer to be dragged an uncomfortable distance.

Through the innovative approach of using golf as a means to explore the city, City Golf offered a unique and engaging way to interact with the urban environment.



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